Little Sparrow Blog

Tea and Film

Posted by Adrian Lee on February 13, 2012 (0 Comments)

 We got into a conversation recently about famous scenes of tea in film. Classics and contemporary, there have been loads of scenes of supping, some incidental, others integral and important to the plot. Let us know what we've missed and the best three suggestions will recieve a free packet of English Breakfast or Rooibos with Cherry!

Mary Poppins - the famous floating afternoon tea scene.

Toy Story - Hannah serves tea to Buzz

Alice In Wonderland - the Mad Hatter and his dancing teapots

Brief Encounter - the heart wrinching finale in Milton Junction station tea rooms

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - the amazing opening tea room action scene

A Beautiful Mind - John Nash discovers he is to recieve the Nobel Peace Prize over a cup of tea

Can you think of some more classic starring moments for the humble leaf?


Our first week (sort of...)

Posted by Adrian Lee on January 26, 2012 (0 Comments)


We're really delighted to be up and running online! 

It's been about a year since we decided to set up a fine tea company that would be very different to others. A bit bored by the slightly earnest, almost patronising approach we found in other places, we decided to bring high quality tea to everyone in a way that would be simple, kind on the eye, and unpretentious. 

We started with sourcing magnificent product and we're very proud of what we found.

Next came design - we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the brilliant people at

We love their work, always have. In our view they are the finest design and marketing company in the UK. We'd absolutely recommend them to anyone small, medium, gigantic.

For six months we've also been popping up at various markets. We started off on a tiny table in Tanner St SE1, where we made lots of friends and got spotted by The Evening Standard:

Since then we've also taken Sparrow to Brick Lane's Upmarket, Pimlico, via The Barbican and Real Food Markets and have been slowly spreading the word, selling our Teas. This will continue in the year ahead, although there's only two of us so it may be more of a pop-up approach! We'll keep you posted on blog, newsletter, social networks.

Thanks for reading up on our early adventures.

More news soon!


Welcome to the Little Sparrow website!

Posted by Adrian Lee on January 20, 2012 (0 Comments)

Welcome to our new site. Take a look around and let us know what you think!
